Rose (Ground Cover Shrub) Flower Carpet Yellow


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Height: 24-36 inches

Width: 36-48 inches

Habit:  Low growing shrub/ ground cover rose

Zone: 4-10

Own Root 

Flower Carpet roses were developed by German breeder Werner Noack in 1990. Werner believed disease resistant roses would free gardeners from the plagues that afflict this favored flower. After 25 years his roses proved so superior they have liberated the rose in America making it easy to grow for expert and novice alike. This vigorous low-growing shrub is an attractive addition to any landscape or border garden.  It does not like to have wet foliage, so water thuroughly and regularly from the sides. Plant in compost rich soil. Fertilize in Spring and Summer with Rose 3 in 1 for ideal growth and blooms. Does not require deadheading, especially if fertilized. In Wisconsin winters, it is best to mulch the base of the rose before winter. Prune back the rose 1/3 every season to stimulate healthy growth and to shape.

SKU: 79042

Photo courtesy of GT1976; a wikimedia commons; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International.

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