Sage – Garden



The most popular and common sage in household use, Garden Sage is an excellent, strong growing herb.  A bushy herb that is a staple in american cooking with its unique, slightly peppery flavour to dishes. Its leaves are more potent when dry, though can be used fresh. Garden sage has also been traditionally used as a remedy to relieve cold and flu-like symptoms and has a reputation for aiding memory.  This bushy herb produces short spikes of purplish-blue flowers. The fruits are held in papery seed pods containing small, round, brown or black seeds. The grey-green, oblong leaves are very aromatic. They are wrinkled on the upper side whilst on the underside, they are covered in many short, soft hairs and almost white in colour.

Pot: 3.25” premium

Photo courtesy of Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova; a wikimedia commons; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International.

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